Majin Tensei II
The sequel to "Majin Tensei" is a strategy RPG that takes place in an alternate Tokyo of 1996. You control a group of three special agents whose task is to stop a demonic invasion from a different reality. You receive missions such as capturing enemy base, exterminating invaders, etc. After you complete a mission, you move to the next one in a linear fashion, without exploration. The gameplay consists of large strategic battles. You move on the battle field, trying to complete your mission and exterminate the demons on your way. Attacking (or being attacked by) a demon results in a short auto-battle sequence. "Spiral Nemesis" contains many classical Megaten elements, such as demon classification, Light/Dark and Law/Chaos alignment axis, etc.
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updated 2.12.23!
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Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution V GSR '98 says:
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Peugeot 205 Turbo 16 Evolution 2 '86 says:
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Last updated 2.12.23!