
/smtg/ Plays Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army
7/16/22 - 7/31/22
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I have come with a missive of import for the people of the Capital.
Should you wish to join a powerful clan of devil summoners,
heed the call of the Yatagarasu and inquire within.

You will live for some time in the role of Raidou Kuzunoha. Should you survive through his great adventures against the Soulless Army, we shall consider you a new member of the Kuzunoha clan. That is all you need to know for now.
Now we shall observe the prospective new recruits:
Neocitys Kunai & Oshichi
Unique investigation skill: Mystify

Hiroshi Sanshiro & Omitsunu
Unique investigation skill: Intimidate

Guido Kandori & Mokoi
Unique investigation skill: Mindread

Nash Kamitani & Oboroguruma
Unique investigation skill: Confuse

Neku Sakuraba & Utai-gaikotsu
Unique investigation skill: Masturbate

Sega Genesis & Lilith
Unique investigation skill: Revert

Doobil Summnar & Oni
Unique investigation skill: Frostsmell

Raidou Kuzunoha & Chernobog
Unique investigation skill: Pissmancy

Wrathful Grapes & Nue
Unique investigation skill: Procrastinate

Raidou Asupekto & Belial
Unique investigation skill: Spookystretch

Now we shall observe the successful new recruits:
Hiroshi Sanshiro

Sega Genesis

Kaido Ruzanoha

Contact the webmaster at smtgen@protonmail.com!
updated 8.2.22!
Such is the law of the heavens; the law of the earth.
Nakajima says:
Contact the webmaster at smtgen@protonmail.com!
updated 8.2.22!
Yumiko says:
Such is the law of the heavens; the law of the earth.

Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution V GSR '98 says:
Contact the webmaster at smtgen@protonmail.com!
updated 8.2.22!

Peugeot 205 Turbo 16 Evolution 2 '86 says:
Such is the law of the heavens; the law of the earth.
Contact the webmaster at smtgen@protonmail.com!
Last updated 8.2.22!
Such is the law of the heavens; the law of the earth.